Samantha Atkins
1 min readMar 17, 2022


Well, there is a new form of hell with lambdas for RestFull interfaces. You can take a perfectly good web server such as FastAPI, build it as per normal for your app and stuff the entire thing into a docker image run by a lambda which is run under API Gateway. Wonderful isn't it? So you have something that has all the limitations of a lambda and is really fat and because of the architecture with API Gateway can only run 30 seconds at a time. You get no advantages of a normal web server whatsoever. Yet this has become the new hotness. A perfectly good web server optimized for a thousand calls a second in many cases only able per lambda instance to service what in even the warm case, about 33 calls a second? And it has just as much trouble have a database connection and other tech stacks as lambdas generally do.



Samantha Atkins

I am a long term software fanatic and most of my career is in this area. I am very techno-optimist. I believe the future is unlimited.